Well. I haven't even gotten started, and if you could see my eyes you would see that they are brimming with tears. It's because I know what's on my heart, and I just have to write it down. I'm about to back up here and tell 3 or 4 stories all in one...because they all have the same point...
Years ago, there was another relationship in my life. I thought it was going to be my marriage one day, but that didn't work out. At the time, I was really upset about it, but I had faith that God would bring me the right person. I had been taught that a marriage is not just about you and the other person, but that God wants a marriage to bring two people closer to him. It's about a coventantal love. A sacrificial love. A love that gives more and grows stronger as the years go by. That old relationship was not about God, or sacrifice or giving--so that's why I accepted that it was over and waited.
I knew early in my relationship with Jon that he was the one I would marry. We liked each other a lot--we were good friends. He served me. He sacrificed for me. He loved me. I could see that he was raised in a family that had modeled that for him as well, so I felt secure that we could have a strong, loving marriage. They day that we said our vows was one of my happiest.
Ten years later, this past May, we celebrated a decade together as man and wife. Times have not always been easy. Neither of us has been perfect. But we have grown up. Together. We have gone through some really, really tough times. Together. We have grown closer to each other, and to our God. Together. We have started to raise a lovely family. Together. We moved to Honduras. Together.
These days, I just look at Jon and my heart flutters like a little girl. I love him more now than I did back then. I admire him for the way that he takes care of his family. I respect him for how hard he works at whatever is put before him. I am grateful for the way he has always treated me with a sacrificial, servant-like spirit.
Practically, this year has made me even more proud of him. This life is the life that he was waiting to live--he is a servant at heart and he's a hard worker. Working here among people who need to witness the hope that we have has unlocked him and he is soaring in life.
A few months ago I heard about a couple's retreat for missionaries that would be put on in Tegucigalpa--the capital city, 5 1/2 hours away. I asked Jon what he thought about it, half thinking he might say it was too far or not worth it. But he was just as excited about it as I was! I was so giddy about a weekend away as I waited for it to arrive. I figured that even if the conference wasn't very good, just having the time away together would be a blessing.
Turns out that the conference was AMAZING!! The speakers were Steve and Debbie Wilson, who speak on a regular basis through their ministry Marriage Matters Now. Their messages touched us and helped us to feel even closer to each other's hearts. I left that weekend feeling an overwhelming sensation of being blessed--both for having heard such wonderful teaching and for having the privilege of sharing my life with such an amazing husband.
Another way that I just look at Jon and think, "Wow!"...When we moved here a year ago Jon couldn't speak a sentence in Spanish. I had to translate every conversation he had, and I wasn't sure how well he would do to pick it up. He ASTOUNDED me! It's like he never forgets a word! One year later, he is able to stand before the church and lead a public prayer! He directed a meeting for the parents of the youth group last week. He has meetings with employees of the mission. He visits with the people that the mission ministers to. He chit-chats and cuts up with the teens in the youth group. He talks smack with the guys in the shop...It's truly amazing how he has absorbed the language here!
Even more? Since we have moved here he has put his mind to eating right and exercising--and has dropped 52 pounds!! He has never before been successful at getting up in the morning and doing a work-out plan...until now! He has committed himself to this, and it shows! I am so proud of his determination and hard work. And now he's even more handsome!!
There are so many scriptures and promises in the Bible that I cling to...especially in regards to life and marriage. One thing that jumps out to me is when Proverbs tells us to commit our plans to the Lord and they will succeed. I am so thankful to have a husband who is committed to our Lord, and to our family.
What a blessing our marriage has been to me over the past ten years. I truly do love him more now that I did the day I married him. I am praying that it only continues to get sweeter as the years go by...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Battle with the Keyboard
I have an ongoing battle...
My mind never seems to want to take a rest. Ever. I am always thinking about something. It drives Jon crazy. He says it's why I'm always tired. We could be sitting in complete silence and out of nowhere I ask him the most random thing (that I've been pondering for as little as 30 minutes, but as long as a whole day or more.) If our fundraising will allow us to meet the needs that we feel led to meet here. If the laundry in the washer can go another day without getting dried. If he answered those emails that somehow got pushed to page two of the inbox. If the bunch of bananas we bought will go bad if they get rained on. It sounds ridiculous, but this is the stuff that goes around in my head. He will get the most surprised look on his face--baffled that in our silence all of that was raging inside my head.
As if battling these little details wasn't enough, I always think of things that I need to sit down and log. Things that I need to journal or record here, on the blog. I love to do little one-sentence snippets on Facebook, and I especially love to throw a picture or two up...but I always feel like I need to do more. And it is SO hard. As I wash dishes, or shower, or take care of the baby, I am always forming paragraphs, thinking of topics and planning my next blog. Then I sit down at the comptuer, fingers poised, and there are no words to type.
I don't know where they go. In the shower this morning, I talked to myself for a good 30 minutes...touching on this topic and that, forming sentences and ideas. Then I dried off, got dressed and sat down to write. And the words were all gone. Who knows? Maybe they fell out when I leaned over to towel-dry my hair?
Perhaps just having handled them in my head allowed my mind to let them free? I need them back! There was some good stuff in there!
Anyways...blogging hasn't turned out to be my strength for sure. It sounds like such a great idea, but then when it comes to actually doing it...
I will try to do better...
My mind never seems to want to take a rest. Ever. I am always thinking about something. It drives Jon crazy. He says it's why I'm always tired. We could be sitting in complete silence and out of nowhere I ask him the most random thing (that I've been pondering for as little as 30 minutes, but as long as a whole day or more.) If our fundraising will allow us to meet the needs that we feel led to meet here. If the laundry in the washer can go another day without getting dried. If he answered those emails that somehow got pushed to page two of the inbox. If the bunch of bananas we bought will go bad if they get rained on. It sounds ridiculous, but this is the stuff that goes around in my head. He will get the most surprised look on his face--baffled that in our silence all of that was raging inside my head.
As if battling these little details wasn't enough, I always think of things that I need to sit down and log. Things that I need to journal or record here, on the blog. I love to do little one-sentence snippets on Facebook, and I especially love to throw a picture or two up...but I always feel like I need to do more. And it is SO hard. As I wash dishes, or shower, or take care of the baby, I am always forming paragraphs, thinking of topics and planning my next blog. Then I sit down at the comptuer, fingers poised, and there are no words to type.
I don't know where they go. In the shower this morning, I talked to myself for a good 30 minutes...touching on this topic and that, forming sentences and ideas. Then I dried off, got dressed and sat down to write. And the words were all gone. Who knows? Maybe they fell out when I leaned over to towel-dry my hair?
Perhaps just having handled them in my head allowed my mind to let them free? I need them back! There was some good stuff in there!
Anyways...blogging hasn't turned out to be my strength for sure. It sounds like such a great idea, but then when it comes to actually doing it...
I will try to do better...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Blessed by Community
I knew that moving to Honduras would be a change. I was fully prepared to embrace "culture shock." I was ready to be miserably lonely. I was ready to try strange, unrecognizable food. I was ready to endure weeks on end of Montezuma's revenge. I was ready to break down crying in a store because I couldn't find what I needed. I was ready to be frustrated while not understanding what someone was telling me, or get myself lost and be afraid I'd never make it back, or whatever other strange situations we might encounter. I envisioned myself headed out onto the biggest adventure of my life, and I was prepared to climb whatever mountain came my way.
In the past 11 months, I have eaten some pretty undesirable food. I have had (super minor) tummy issues. I have been a little frustrated in stores and banks and while driving, but NOTHING like I had been expecting. I have had a day or two of strongly missing friends and family, but the biggest surprise is that I don't feel lonely very much at all. One reason is because the people at the church here, our new church family, have embraced us completely. I feel like Jon and I both are forming real-life relationships with several of our brothers and sisters. But even more than that is the community we share with the team we are working with.
One of the biggest surprises and blessings of the past year is how God has blessed our family with a family that we partner with, work with, and worship with, but maybe most importantly--we are friends with. The Waldron family has been such a wonderful support for since we moved our family here last year. We lived with them for 5 weeks while we waited for our container to arrive. They help us with the kids. Sweet Laura loves the kids so much and having her here has blessed me immensely. Throughout the year, Richard and Ashley have both joined the team too and jumped right in. I love how our house is kind of "free-flowing" and I never know who might be dropping in, coming, or leaving at any minute... I love that we're that comfortable with each other. We eat together regularly. We sometimes play games or watch movies or shop together. We exercise together. We always laugh together. If we go a day without seeing each other it seems like too long. Donna has offered invaluable experience and advice to me as a wife, mom, and missionary. Jon and Phil have developed a strong friendship that I think has helped to make the mission stronger.
I am convicned that one of the biggest unexpected blessings that God decided to give us here was real friendship. Through real friendship, one's spirit is maintained and uplifted and encouraged.
People have asked if it's hard to live here. If we like it. If it's what we expected.
Some days are hard, but it has been so easy to live here. I LOVE it. And not everything is exactly what I expected....most of it is better than I expected.
In the past 11 months, I have eaten some pretty undesirable food. I have had (super minor) tummy issues. I have been a little frustrated in stores and banks and while driving, but NOTHING like I had been expecting. I have had a day or two of strongly missing friends and family, but the biggest surprise is that I don't feel lonely very much at all. One reason is because the people at the church here, our new church family, have embraced us completely. I feel like Jon and I both are forming real-life relationships with several of our brothers and sisters. But even more than that is the community we share with the team we are working with.
One of the biggest surprises and blessings of the past year is how God has blessed our family with a family that we partner with, work with, and worship with, but maybe most importantly--we are friends with. The Waldron family has been such a wonderful support for since we moved our family here last year. We lived with them for 5 weeks while we waited for our container to arrive. They help us with the kids. Sweet Laura loves the kids so much and having her here has blessed me immensely. Throughout the year, Richard and Ashley have both joined the team too and jumped right in. I love how our house is kind of "free-flowing" and I never know who might be dropping in, coming, or leaving at any minute... I love that we're that comfortable with each other. We eat together regularly. We sometimes play games or watch movies or shop together. We exercise together. We always laugh together. If we go a day without seeing each other it seems like too long. Donna has offered invaluable experience and advice to me as a wife, mom, and missionary. Jon and Phil have developed a strong friendship that I think has helped to make the mission stronger.
I am convicned that one of the biggest unexpected blessings that God decided to give us here was real friendship. Through real friendship, one's spirit is maintained and uplifted and encouraged.
People have asked if it's hard to live here. If we like it. If it's what we expected.
Some days are hard, but it has been so easy to live here. I LOVE it. And not everything is exactly what I expected....most of it is better than I expected.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Momentary Troubles
Sometimes the little things build up, don't they? I was watching a movie where a guy was drinking a lot of shots of alcohol and his buddy came up and told him, "You know, a lot of little ones makes a big one!" Funny, but true.
In the last two weeks, we have bought 2 full rounds of antibiotics for 3 infected ears. Those infected ears have caused 2 kids (and as a result, 2 parents) to lose some valuable sleep. We have spent more than the cost of our monthly rent on auto parts to fix my vehicle. We have been tired (and I admit, I've been irritable) because there has been a lot of work to do. Sometimes, it seems like there's too much to do...
It sounds like it, but I'm not complaining. I'm really not. I really do love my life, and currently feel like every single day is a blessing that I am aware of. In fact, even though we've had some momentary troubles, our whole family (even the kiddos) seems to just roll with the punches.
We have purpose here, and we have work that is getting done. It's refreshing and encouraging and really, truly amazing that God's allowing us to be a part of it.
I've been working on some Bible memory work lately and I've spent some time with one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible--2 Corinthians 4. I love the message in this chapter about the endurance and strength in the faith that we should have; it is just so encouraging to me!
This verse in particular struck me today:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Now I'm not so sure that sickness and car troubles and fatigue were the 'light and momentary troubles' that Paul was talking about here...but maybe they're not so far off base. Maybe some of those day to day grinds were what inspired those words--fatigue, opposition to the Word, perhaps sickness too....?
Anyways, this verse still provides me with a smile everytime I read it. No matter what kind of day I've had, this verse always leaves my heart in a very content place. Even when Satan spends entire days and weeks trying to take my eyes off the prize, the goal, the end result; he can't. He won't win.
If I live every step of my life in devotion to God, jumping those hurdles that are along the path are only bringing me closer to that 'eternal glory that outweighs them all'. Even when I'm sick or my body fails physically, inwardly the Spirit renews me each and every day.
Wow. That.Is.Amazing.
In the last two weeks, we have bought 2 full rounds of antibiotics for 3 infected ears. Those infected ears have caused 2 kids (and as a result, 2 parents) to lose some valuable sleep. We have spent more than the cost of our monthly rent on auto parts to fix my vehicle. We have been tired (and I admit, I've been irritable) because there has been a lot of work to do. Sometimes, it seems like there's too much to do...
It sounds like it, but I'm not complaining. I'm really not. I really do love my life, and currently feel like every single day is a blessing that I am aware of. In fact, even though we've had some momentary troubles, our whole family (even the kiddos) seems to just roll with the punches.
We have purpose here, and we have work that is getting done. It's refreshing and encouraging and really, truly amazing that God's allowing us to be a part of it.
I've been working on some Bible memory work lately and I've spent some time with one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible--2 Corinthians 4. I love the message in this chapter about the endurance and strength in the faith that we should have; it is just so encouraging to me!
This verse in particular struck me today:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Now I'm not so sure that sickness and car troubles and fatigue were the 'light and momentary troubles' that Paul was talking about here...but maybe they're not so far off base. Maybe some of those day to day grinds were what inspired those words--fatigue, opposition to the Word, perhaps sickness too....?
Anyways, this verse still provides me with a smile everytime I read it. No matter what kind of day I've had, this verse always leaves my heart in a very content place. Even when Satan spends entire days and weeks trying to take my eyes off the prize, the goal, the end result; he can't. He won't win.
If I live every step of my life in devotion to God, jumping those hurdles that are along the path are only bringing me closer to that 'eternal glory that outweighs them all'. Even when I'm sick or my body fails physically, inwardly the Spirit renews me each and every day.
Wow. That.Is.Amazing.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Given Much
We are currently in the middle of our only week in June and July that will not be full of brigade work! Last week Tobin and I spent the week going to 6 different schools with a group of 8 from Texas who had prepared a VBS class based on the story of Lazarus. Everytime we pulled up to a school, we were welcomed by squeals of excitement and lots of kids ready to participate.

I love walking around to every station of a medical brigade to watch each person do 'their thing' to serve the people of any given village. There are always lots of smiles and laughter, loving pats, hugs and touches, and true, genuine concern.
And knowing what a blessing it is for them to go home with medications they need, free of charge, is always a highlight.

This is one of the little boys who was at the brigade all day, waiting with his family. I saw him climbing on this pillar, running around playing with our kids, and laying down on the ground taking a nap...it's definitely a long day for everyone involved....the medical team, as well as the patients!!
And long days aside, it truly is a blessing to be able to serve in such a hands-on way.
Here is a sweet picture that Jon took, and I'll use it for my last today...it'sthe picture of an 80-something year old lady who came in for treatment standing next to 7 1/2 old Lawson. I love the contrast in this picture, but it's eye-opening as well...young, clean, shoe-clad next to old, not-so-clean and well, look at those feet.
These are them moments that, aside from the day-to-day hustle and bustle that cause me to take pause and realize that despite our lack of fancy jewels, expensive cars or luxurious homes, we really, truly have been given much.
And I think I've heard something about those who've been given much...oh yeah, it was this:
" From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48b
We're trying....

Jon and the big kids went with 35 others who were putting on a medical and eyeglasses brigade in the village of Ojos de Agua. This is one of the villages that we are currently targeting and evangelizing for church planting, and coming to meet some of their physical needs goes a long way when you are building relationships. This village is only 10 miles from Santa Rosa, but it takes 45 minutes to get there. The road quality definitely leaves something to be desired, but the vistas on the trip are out of this world!!!
I love walking around to every station of a medical brigade to watch each person do 'their thing' to serve the people of any given village. There are always lots of smiles and laughter, loving pats, hugs and touches, and true, genuine concern.
And knowing what a blessing it is for them to go home with medications they need, free of charge, is always a highlight.


And long days aside, it truly is a blessing to be able to serve in such a hands-on way.

Here is a sweet picture that Jon took, and I'll use it for my last today...it'sthe picture of an 80-something year old lady who came in for treatment standing next to 7 1/2 old Lawson. I love the contrast in this picture, but it's eye-opening as well...young, clean, shoe-clad next to old, not-so-clean and well, look at those feet.
These are them moments that, aside from the day-to-day hustle and bustle that cause me to take pause and realize that despite our lack of fancy jewels, expensive cars or luxurious homes, we really, truly have been given much.
And I think I've heard something about those who've been given much...oh yeah, it was this:
" From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48b
We're trying....
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I don't know her story, but I imagine that this lady had had some difficult days...be in health troubles, family problems, whatever... yet her eyes are bright and her smile is true.
Similarly, while I was a student at Harding University, there was a young guy in a wheelchair who spoke. I can't say that I remember what his whole talk was about, but one thing he said struck me and I wrote it down inside my Bible...he said, "I don't know why God chose to love me this particular way."
One of my new favorite CDs is Laura Story's Blessings. I picked it up at Lifeway while we were in the States, and had only heard 2 songs prior to that, but I just love the whole thing! One of the songs on the CD is called Blessings, and the lyrics are pretty amazing. It changes the perspective we sometimes have when we don't 'get' what we ask God for, or when we go through hard times. Hard times definitely tend to scar us, but we can choose to look at that scar negatively, as a wound we will forever have to bear, or positively, as a badge to show what we have come through.
The lyrics to this song have encouraged me in my own personal life to appreciate every single way that God chooses to bless me, even if I don't understand it. It has also helped me as I look at the people we are ministering to. There are hard times, but I want to help reach them so that they can learn about just how much their heavenly Father wants them to reach up to Him.
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tree Climbing
Tonight Jordan wanted a bedtime story. Of course she did. After spending almost 3 hours doing her homework, then eating her dinner and getting ready to lay down, she begged me for a story. In a tired, frustrated, weak-mommy moment, all I wanted to do was put her to bed and move on to the million other things I still had to do.
Then a small something inside me urged, "Read your little girl a story. She won't be little for long."
So I walked over and picked up one of our 55 (or so) Bible Story books and let her choose the story that she wanted to hear. She chose "The Man Who Was Too Little." And I read it to her. As she struggled to keep her eyes open, the story spoke to me in a very adult way as I turned the pages.
I think that the story of Zacchaeus might be the all-time best Bible story made into a VBS song that will never ever die. In my mind, in fact, it's such a VBS song that I never really looked at the story to see if it had a lesson for grown-up me. Tonight, it really did.
Zacchaeus was too little. He was a tax collecter. He probably wasn't the popular guy in town, due to the two previous characteristics. But he heard that Jesus was around, and he wanted to see Jesus. The story is in Luke 19, and in the scriptures it's super short. He wanted to see Jesus but couldn't see over the crowd, so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree.
Jordan's story took some literary liberties. It made him run this way and that, dodging people left and right, trying to peek over shoulders. Luke didn't say all that happened, but I'm 5'1" and can relate--I feel like some of that probably occurred. Finally, in the story book, he ran way ahead to the big tree in town to climb up and be higher than the crowd.
Jesus knew he was up there. And Jesus knew why. And while Zacchaeus was content just to get a glimpse of Jesus, Jesus rewarded his effort with way more than a glimpse. He went to his house and changed Zacchaeus' eternity.
All it took was the desire and the effort and Jesus came to him.
When I need a fresh glimpse--when I feel like I just can't see through the muck and the mire and the crowd--all I need to do is make the effort. Find a tree to climb so I can see Him again. And He will come the rest of the way.
Refreshing, huh?
Thanks for the bedtime story, sweet Jordan.
Then a small something inside me urged, "Read your little girl a story. She won't be little for long."
So I walked over and picked up one of our 55 (or so) Bible Story books and let her choose the story that she wanted to hear. She chose "The Man Who Was Too Little." And I read it to her. As she struggled to keep her eyes open, the story spoke to me in a very adult way as I turned the pages.
I think that the story of Zacchaeus might be the all-time best Bible story made into a VBS song that will never ever die. In my mind, in fact, it's such a VBS song that I never really looked at the story to see if it had a lesson for grown-up me. Tonight, it really did.
Zacchaeus was too little. He was a tax collecter. He probably wasn't the popular guy in town, due to the two previous characteristics. But he heard that Jesus was around, and he wanted to see Jesus. The story is in Luke 19, and in the scriptures it's super short. He wanted to see Jesus but couldn't see over the crowd, so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree.
Jordan's story took some literary liberties. It made him run this way and that, dodging people left and right, trying to peek over shoulders. Luke didn't say all that happened, but I'm 5'1" and can relate--I feel like some of that probably occurred. Finally, in the story book, he ran way ahead to the big tree in town to climb up and be higher than the crowd.
Jesus knew he was up there. And Jesus knew why. And while Zacchaeus was content just to get a glimpse of Jesus, Jesus rewarded his effort with way more than a glimpse. He went to his house and changed Zacchaeus' eternity.
All it took was the desire and the effort and Jesus came to him.
When I need a fresh glimpse--when I feel like I just can't see through the muck and the mire and the crowd--all I need to do is make the effort. Find a tree to climb so I can see Him again. And He will come the rest of the way.
Refreshing, huh?
Thanks for the bedtime story, sweet Jordan.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Lovin' on Babies
A few weeks ago, I went with one of our groups to visit the children who live at one of our local orphanges. It was my first time to ever go to an orphanage, and it impacted me. It was nicer and cleaner and bigger than I expected it to be, and the children seemed happy. Living in a country where so many children are born into homes where they aren't wanted, or are even left to survive on their own, these children are very blessed to live in such a safe place.
It's still so sad, though, to think that these babies don't have mommies or daddies to love on them. The nuns who work at the orphanage take great care of the children, but there's not much time left to love on them. That's why it's so neat when people go with the sole purpose to love on these babies. The babies love it, the visitors love it...it does a heart good.
So going the first time was pretty eye-opening for me. The next week, another group was here and I needed to go back with them, but had no one to keep the kids this time. I thought about it, said a quick prayer about it, and decided that we'd give it a go. I didn't know how many questions they might ask. I didn't know if they were going to behave. I didn't know if they were going to be rude or ugly. I just went in with faith that they would handle the situation well. I told them about where we were going, what it was going to be like, and why these children live there. I told them I wanted them to act big and be kind.
They surpassed my every expectation. What I witnessed that day became a jumbled mess of emotional memories in the making. They embraced the opportunity and almost every time I turned around to spot one of them, I saw them loving on babies. My babies, loving on babies who have no mommas or daddies of their own. It touched my heart.
It also taught me that sometimes we don't give our kids credit for being able to handle situations that they, really, turn out to embrace and shine in. They want to go back. Because they miss those babies. And we will, by golly. We'll go back lots so that they can share God's love with the very least of these.
It's still so sad, though, to think that these babies don't have mommies or daddies to love on them. The nuns who work at the orphanage take great care of the children, but there's not much time left to love on them. That's why it's so neat when people go with the sole purpose to love on these babies. The babies love it, the visitors love it...it does a heart good.
So going the first time was pretty eye-opening for me. The next week, another group was here and I needed to go back with them, but had no one to keep the kids this time. I thought about it, said a quick prayer about it, and decided that we'd give it a go. I didn't know how many questions they might ask. I didn't know if they were going to behave. I didn't know if they were going to be rude or ugly. I just went in with faith that they would handle the situation well. I told them about where we were going, what it was going to be like, and why these children live there. I told them I wanted them to act big and be kind.
They surpassed my every expectation. What I witnessed that day became a jumbled mess of emotional memories in the making. They embraced the opportunity and almost every time I turned around to spot one of them, I saw them loving on babies. My babies, loving on babies who have no mommas or daddies of their own. It touched my heart.
It also taught me that sometimes we don't give our kids credit for being able to handle situations that they, really, turn out to embrace and shine in. They want to go back. Because they miss those babies. And we will, by golly. We'll go back lots so that they can share God's love with the very least of these.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Things have been a little crazy around here lately...after reading my last blog post (almost a whole month ago--hard to believe) and now writing a newsletter to send out, I really realize that we are almost always running ninety-to-nothing. I've been thinking about busy-ness lately, as I drive from place to place or pick up the house for the 95th time this week or cook and realize that it's time to go to the grocery store. Again.
It's kind of ironic to me, I guess. To me, one of the most alluring things about moving our family to Honduras to do misson work was that I'd be less busy with "life" and have more time for focusing on the things of eternal value. On one hand, it's true. We are here working with Mission UpReach and have our hands helping to stir the pot in many areas of ministry here in Western Honduras. On the other hand, though, I clearly see that no matter where I live, the "life" that keeps me busy follows. I still have clothes to wash--maybe even more because it's so darn dusty here! There's still food to cook, and in less time because most of the time we're running around town getting things done. My kids have to go to school every day, and they start earlier than any elementary school I've ever heard of. There's toys to clean up, and I swear, they multiply!
It can be discouraging sometimes, when I'm standing at the sink washing the bottles for the 1,000th time, thinking about how if I didn't have all this "life" to do, I could be so much more productive. I know it's a struggle with people everywhere--not just me, not just here.
A couple weeks ago, I was looking for songs to put in a slideshow for a group, and I found this song "Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman. I'd never heard it before, and I LOVED the words! It meant so much to me because it talks about how everything you do is important as long as it glorifies God. Have you heard it? Give it a listen...
It's kind of ironic to me, I guess. To me, one of the most alluring things about moving our family to Honduras to do misson work was that I'd be less busy with "life" and have more time for focusing on the things of eternal value. On one hand, it's true. We are here working with Mission UpReach and have our hands helping to stir the pot in many areas of ministry here in Western Honduras. On the other hand, though, I clearly see that no matter where I live, the "life" that keeps me busy follows. I still have clothes to wash--maybe even more because it's so darn dusty here! There's still food to cook, and in less time because most of the time we're running around town getting things done. My kids have to go to school every day, and they start earlier than any elementary school I've ever heard of. There's toys to clean up, and I swear, they multiply!
It can be discouraging sometimes, when I'm standing at the sink washing the bottles for the 1,000th time, thinking about how if I didn't have all this "life" to do, I could be so much more productive. I know it's a struggle with people everywhere--not just me, not just here.
A couple weeks ago, I was looking for songs to put in a slideshow for a group, and I found this song "Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman. I'd never heard it before, and I LOVED the words! It meant so much to me because it talks about how everything you do is important as long as it glorifies God. Have you heard it? Give it a listen...
Sunday, February 5, 2012
So much to say...so little time to type it out...
It has been much too long since I've been faithful about updating this blog. There has been SO much going on around here, but would you buy the excuse that my plate has been a little bit full? ;) Some days I wake up, spend the whole day being busy, then arrive at night feeling like morning was 3 days ago. It's a double-edged sword, too, thinking about how much got done but turning right around and realizing that somehow the t0-do list still didn't shrink!!! Anyone else ever feel that way? I'm sure I'm not the only one!!
Anyways...I'm going to do a quick run-down to get you up to speed on what has been filling up our days lately, but I sincerely hope to find the time to fully document each of these things! Putting the pictures on Facebook is one thing, but there are stories behind the pictures too!
I think Thanksgiving is where I last posted about daily life! It feels like a year ago and a month ago all at once!! Well, in December we were excited that a group of basketball players and coaches came down to put on an Upward Basketball Camp. It was a wonderful week of busy activity, but we really enjoyed getting to know the guys who came and appreciated all the work they put into teaching our team how to put on a basketball camp. Lawson was invited by the coaches to participate in the camp, and he really loved it--Jordan loved going to the gym just to hang out and practice dribbling! Mission UpReach is planning on using what we learned this school year when our DESEO team goes into schools to teach kids about health, character and God.
Lawson's 7th birthday fell on Wednesday during the week of the Upward Camp. We invited the Waldrons, the Whites, and the basketball guys to come over for dinner and cake. Lawson was thrilled to get the cowboy boots he's been wanting for a while, along with some other fun gifts! I think he really enjoyed his birthday a lot, and I was SO thankful for all of our friends here who helped make it a really special day.
We were invited to attend the Christmas program at Western International, the bilingual school in town. It was very cute and we really enjoyed it a lot! After the program we went to eat with one of our teens and her family at a DELICIOUS new restaurant in town. I had a wonderful grilled chicken breast, but unfortunately EVERYONE who ordered the (tasty) beef spent the next week VERY sick!! Phil first, then Donna, Richard, and Jon. Laura was spared b/c she was already on antibiotics, but the rest had some pretty hefty doses of antibiotics along with scattered use of IVs and the like. We pretty much spent the week before Christmas waiting for all of the food-poisoned people to get better!!!
Jon, my wonderful trooper husband, spent all of Wednesday sick, but still spent Thursday and Friday in Jorge's wood-shop working on the presents we had planned for the kids. I spent Friday and Saturday painting...then we were so excited to spend our first Christmas in Honduras!! We had a WONDERFUL day and enjoyed everything about it--EXCEPT running out of water in our cistern!! :/
The day after Christmas we headed to spend a week in Roatan with the Waldron family! Talk about being blessed--some friends of the Waldrons own a condo on the island and have blessed them with the ability to take a free vacation the past two years! We graciously accepted their invitation to join them, and the week of fun and fellowship and rest was just what we needed to re-group and get ready for 2012!
The week after coming back from Roatan, we welcomed a group from Oklahoma and Texas who came to do a dental/optical brigade. The brigade was a success, and we just LOVED the group who came down! I'm starting to realize that the interaction that we get to have with these groups truly is a refreshing blessing! It's always so fun to hang out with other 'gringos'--even if it is during the busy craziness that we call brigades!!
For me the highlight of the brigade was the last day when we were able to hand out Magi boxes from Healing Hands International. Have you ever been on the giving/packing end of this program? Its fun and fulfilling, isn't it?? Well, if you LOVE being on your end of that--you should come down and participate in the HANDING OUT end of it--it was an AMAZING BLESSING to my heart. The smiles on those kids faces brightened my day in a very special day!!!
The next week, we were SO excited to go pick up Kathy, Jon's mom from the airport!! We have had such a wonderful time having her in our house--and she has been such a help as far as watching the kids and helping around the house!
We were thrilled to attend a wedding at the church building of a couple that has been living in a common-law marriage for the past 20-something years--they have four sons also. Some of our team members have been evangelizing in their village and this couple had decided they wanted to be baptized...but first realized that they needed to be rightfully married in the eyes of God. It was a joy to witness their union and the example of obedience and faith that they have shown to the the church.
Tuesday, the 31st, Jon went to the airport to pick up our sweet friend Ashley, who will be working here with our team. She's a very capable RN and she will be a blessing to the work that is going on here!! SO, so, so proud that one of Mayfair's former teenagers is working here with us in Santa Rosa!
Last week Jim, Jon's dad, also joined us and we have enjoyed some quality family time! We spent a couple days this past week vising Copán Ruinas, Copán. It's an adorable little town, located near the amazing archaeological site of some historic Mayan ruins. We enjoyed some delicious local food, beautiful weather, a relaxing swim, a great day of sight-seeing and (to top it all off) we were there the night that the Mayans celebrate their new year! In case you haven't heard, 2012 is the last year on the Mayan calendar...so Jon has been telling people that we witnessed the beginning of the end of the world! Ha! I'm not too worried about it, but at least if it is, there'll be quite a homecoming in Glory Land!!
The day we came home from the ruins we were to host a bonfire for the ENTIRE church in the field across the street from our house. It was fun, but it was also pure, mad, craziness!!! My stomach lurched when I saw the bus pull up FULLY LOADED!! It turned out great, though! I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
Exhausted as I was after (Wednesday) picking up Jim, (Thursday) going to the ruins, (Friday) coming back and hosting the bonfire, I also had to finish preparing for the Ladies' Class we were having Saturday. I LOVE teaching, but this was my FIRST TIME EVER to teach in Spanish. My stomach was nervous and I was terrified that I would stand up and suddenly forget every Spanish word I've ever known, but after much prayer and preparation it turned out really well!! Several ladies told me that they enjoyed the class and thought the material was very good. They also said they understood me very well (YAY!!). Getting that *first time* behind me feels good, and I'm looking forward to more opportunities to share with the sisters here.
This morning we met at the church to hand out some Magi boxes from Samaritan's Purse. It was a wonderful morning of activities, a skit, fun songs, lots of smiles and laughter and seeing some sweet, sweet kids receive gifts from some generous givers!
In addition to all this activity, we've also had our regular things--
taking care of 3 kids plus housework,
Jon's daily work in the town and office,
monthly bonfires at the house for the teens,
worship on Sunday
men's meetings every other Monday
praise and prayer worship Tuesday
discipleship classes Thursday
small group on Friday
youth group on Saturday
Among other news, we have been battling some illness here at the house. It seems that since we've arrived I've pretty much had at least one sick kid non-stop. It's never been super dramatic--just fevers, ear infections, coughs, etc. Lawson's the one who's currently sick, and I'm sad because tomorrow is supposed to be his first day of school. I'm hoping he might be able to go b/c he's not had fever today, but we'll see how he is in the morning! We feel that this will be the best way for them to really pick up Spanish. I've been in prayer that going to (Spanish) school will be a good experience for them and that they will have good teachers. I really, truly hope that it's harder on me than it will be on them...because I will miss having them at home with me!!!
Anyways there's the run-down of what's been going on! And it doesn't look like it's going to slow down!! We take Jim and Kathy back to the airport this weekend, then the next day a group is coming for a brigade--Life is going to be practically non-stop til September!
Thanks again for all of the support and love that you have shown us!! Please remember to keep us and the Mission in your prayers!!!
Be blessed, friends!
Anyways...I'm going to do a quick run-down to get you up to speed on what has been filling up our days lately, but I sincerely hope to find the time to fully document each of these things! Putting the pictures on Facebook is one thing, but there are stories behind the pictures too!
I think Thanksgiving is where I last posted about daily life! It feels like a year ago and a month ago all at once!! Well, in December we were excited that a group of basketball players and coaches came down to put on an Upward Basketball Camp. It was a wonderful week of busy activity, but we really enjoyed getting to know the guys who came and appreciated all the work they put into teaching our team how to put on a basketball camp. Lawson was invited by the coaches to participate in the camp, and he really loved it--Jordan loved going to the gym just to hang out and practice dribbling! Mission UpReach is planning on using what we learned this school year when our DESEO team goes into schools to teach kids about health, character and God.
Lawson's 7th birthday fell on Wednesday during the week of the Upward Camp. We invited the Waldrons, the Whites, and the basketball guys to come over for dinner and cake. Lawson was thrilled to get the cowboy boots he's been wanting for a while, along with some other fun gifts! I think he really enjoyed his birthday a lot, and I was SO thankful for all of our friends here who helped make it a really special day.
We were invited to attend the Christmas program at Western International, the bilingual school in town. It was very cute and we really enjoyed it a lot! After the program we went to eat with one of our teens and her family at a DELICIOUS new restaurant in town. I had a wonderful grilled chicken breast, but unfortunately EVERYONE who ordered the (tasty) beef spent the next week VERY sick!! Phil first, then Donna, Richard, and Jon. Laura was spared b/c she was already on antibiotics, but the rest had some pretty hefty doses of antibiotics along with scattered use of IVs and the like. We pretty much spent the week before Christmas waiting for all of the food-poisoned people to get better!!!
Jon, my wonderful trooper husband, spent all of Wednesday sick, but still spent Thursday and Friday in Jorge's wood-shop working on the presents we had planned for the kids. I spent Friday and Saturday painting...then we were so excited to spend our first Christmas in Honduras!! We had a WONDERFUL day and enjoyed everything about it--EXCEPT running out of water in our cistern!! :/
The day after Christmas we headed to spend a week in Roatan with the Waldron family! Talk about being blessed--some friends of the Waldrons own a condo on the island and have blessed them with the ability to take a free vacation the past two years! We graciously accepted their invitation to join them, and the week of fun and fellowship and rest was just what we needed to re-group and get ready for 2012!
The week after coming back from Roatan, we welcomed a group from Oklahoma and Texas who came to do a dental/optical brigade. The brigade was a success, and we just LOVED the group who came down! I'm starting to realize that the interaction that we get to have with these groups truly is a refreshing blessing! It's always so fun to hang out with other 'gringos'--even if it is during the busy craziness that we call brigades!!
For me the highlight of the brigade was the last day when we were able to hand out Magi boxes from Healing Hands International. Have you ever been on the giving/packing end of this program? Its fun and fulfilling, isn't it?? Well, if you LOVE being on your end of that--you should come down and participate in the HANDING OUT end of it--it was an AMAZING BLESSING to my heart. The smiles on those kids faces brightened my day in a very special day!!!
The next week, we were SO excited to go pick up Kathy, Jon's mom from the airport!! We have had such a wonderful time having her in our house--and she has been such a help as far as watching the kids and helping around the house!
We were thrilled to attend a wedding at the church building of a couple that has been living in a common-law marriage for the past 20-something years--they have four sons also. Some of our team members have been evangelizing in their village and this couple had decided they wanted to be baptized...but first realized that they needed to be rightfully married in the eyes of God. It was a joy to witness their union and the example of obedience and faith that they have shown to the the church.
Tuesday, the 31st, Jon went to the airport to pick up our sweet friend Ashley, who will be working here with our team. She's a very capable RN and she will be a blessing to the work that is going on here!! SO, so, so proud that one of Mayfair's former teenagers is working here with us in Santa Rosa!
Last week Jim, Jon's dad, also joined us and we have enjoyed some quality family time! We spent a couple days this past week vising Copán Ruinas, Copán. It's an adorable little town, located near the amazing archaeological site of some historic Mayan ruins. We enjoyed some delicious local food, beautiful weather, a relaxing swim, a great day of sight-seeing and (to top it all off) we were there the night that the Mayans celebrate their new year! In case you haven't heard, 2012 is the last year on the Mayan calendar...so Jon has been telling people that we witnessed the beginning of the end of the world! Ha! I'm not too worried about it, but at least if it is, there'll be quite a homecoming in Glory Land!!
The day we came home from the ruins we were to host a bonfire for the ENTIRE church in the field across the street from our house. It was fun, but it was also pure, mad, craziness!!! My stomach lurched when I saw the bus pull up FULLY LOADED!! It turned out great, though! I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
Exhausted as I was after (Wednesday) picking up Jim, (Thursday) going to the ruins, (Friday) coming back and hosting the bonfire, I also had to finish preparing for the Ladies' Class we were having Saturday. I LOVE teaching, but this was my FIRST TIME EVER to teach in Spanish. My stomach was nervous and I was terrified that I would stand up and suddenly forget every Spanish word I've ever known, but after much prayer and preparation it turned out really well!! Several ladies told me that they enjoyed the class and thought the material was very good. They also said they understood me very well (YAY!!). Getting that *first time* behind me feels good, and I'm looking forward to more opportunities to share with the sisters here.
This morning we met at the church to hand out some Magi boxes from Samaritan's Purse. It was a wonderful morning of activities, a skit, fun songs, lots of smiles and laughter and seeing some sweet, sweet kids receive gifts from some generous givers!
In addition to all this activity, we've also had our regular things--
taking care of 3 kids plus housework,
Jon's daily work in the town and office,
monthly bonfires at the house for the teens,
worship on Sunday
men's meetings every other Monday
praise and prayer worship Tuesday
discipleship classes Thursday
small group on Friday
youth group on Saturday
Among other news, we have been battling some illness here at the house. It seems that since we've arrived I've pretty much had at least one sick kid non-stop. It's never been super dramatic--just fevers, ear infections, coughs, etc. Lawson's the one who's currently sick, and I'm sad because tomorrow is supposed to be his first day of school. I'm hoping he might be able to go b/c he's not had fever today, but we'll see how he is in the morning! We feel that this will be the best way for them to really pick up Spanish. I've been in prayer that going to (Spanish) school will be a good experience for them and that they will have good teachers. I really, truly hope that it's harder on me than it will be on them...because I will miss having them at home with me!!!
Anyways there's the run-down of what's been going on! And it doesn't look like it's going to slow down!! We take Jim and Kathy back to the airport this weekend, then the next day a group is coming for a brigade--Life is going to be practically non-stop til September!
Thanks again for all of the support and love that you have shown us!! Please remember to keep us and the Mission in your prayers!!!
Be blessed, friends!
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